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Accounting Software - Enterprise Edition


Financial Accounting Software with barcode support helps you to access all your accounting information accurately and simplifies all billing calculation. Software summarize all your Profit, Loss, Customer, Item, Stock and other accounting records at one place and creates a variety of reports (Annual, Account, Sale, Purchase and Production) to view overall financial transactions.

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Software Features :-
  • Software maintains all financial details of your enterprise including Customer details, Tax types, Voucher entries and other daily transactions.
  • Generates several accounting reports (including Final report, Account report, Stock report, Purchase report, Production report, etc.) to view overall financial transactions.
  • Provides facility to save created reports in PDF or Excel file formats.
  • Software provides data backup and restore facility in case of accidently data loss.
  • Software with exclusive Barcode Settings helps to manage accounting details in fast and accurate way.
  • With Data Connectivity, you can import the data from adjacent system connected through LAN.
  • Accounting program provides password facility to protect business accounting information from unauthorized user.